Studio Artist's Shows

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Show Proposal (PDF)


The Shows

Studio artist's shows are similar to those in Advanced drawing and painting except for the fact that we may re-use our work for different shows. If we show with other classmates, for example we may chose work that relates to a common theme from our portfolio as well as develop new work to address the theme of the show. 

Studio art shows will be based on a theme and will contain new artwork that is prepared to show. Students must turn in artwork on the receiving date and a reception for the artists must be planned.

The Show Cycle

bulletThe timing of the work remains the same as it is for portfolio additions: Three weeks between checkpoints. At each checkpoint a student should have two new works of art completed with the accompanying paperwork and photographs. 
bulletA show needs at least 20 or so works of art to "feel" complete. With this in mind the number of shows a student will participate in is dependent on the number of Studio Artist's we have. At the very least a Studio Artist can expect to participate in one show.


Themes coordinate shows and make them more interesting, they also connect the work in a show together in a meaningful way. Several students can cooperate for a show reducing the number of works needed from each artist to create a show. The more students in a show, however, the more general the theme will have to be to allow for the different approaches to artwork. Once a theme is decided, a student should fill out a "Show Proposal" to open discussion with the teacher about how this theme and work are related and whether or not the theme is adequate for this assignment.

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Preparing the work

Shows are slightly different than portfolio additions in that the work must be prepared to show. Additional work goes into matting and/or framing work, a student's work will not be shown if it is not matted or made presentable in some additional way. Paintings do not require frames though the edges of the canvas must be treated in some fashion (Painting them is perhaps the easiest way). 

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This is the checkpoint at which all of the work chosen for the show should be submitted to the teacher. This is essentially the "Due" date for the show as the show itself will be hung and opened when the space becomes available. A "receiving" date is set according to the number of checkpoints required to assemble an appropriate number of pictures for a show. Once set, however, students must submit work on that date.

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Artist's Reception

On the first day of a show we will open the show with an artist's reception. This is a celebration of the hard work that went into the work and a welcome for guests to come and see the show.  For the artist's reception the hosting artist/artist's should bring some food items related to the theme of the show. Past examples are fruit and other natural items for a landscape show or spring rolls and Pockey (a Japanese cookie-like snack) for an anime show. Remember, the reception must be related to the theme of the show- this is part of the grade for the show. A student does not need to bring food to get a good grade on the assignment but they must come up with an idea for a reception that will be related to the theme of the show.

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