Studio Art










Portfolio Addition:

This sketchbook addition should be the research, experimentaiton, and reflection part of your artwork.

The Process:

  1. The Potfolio addition process is a variable path through a unit of work in Studio Art. It starts with a Project Proposal which is a declaration of what a student will complete for a project. It includes the material needed, an estiamted size, and some design concerns to focus on throughout the work. You can see and print one from the "Downloads" section on the left.

    The entire process looks like this except we will complete ony one work of art and not two.

  2. Begin by downloading, printing, and completing the Project Proposal available under "Resources" then complete the sketbook pages that are a start to this project.
  3. Complete a Project Reflection as the third and final part of your "Portfolio Addition" The worksheet and instructions can be found under "Resources" to the left.