The exam:
This exam is essentially a two part exam: Part 1- Create an ePortfolio, and Part 2- Document the process.
For this exam you must have an account on Google Drive and be familiar with many of the tasks for photo documenting your work, file organization, and working with the Google Drive service. These are all tasks we've used in this class to date.
The Process:
Collect all of your artwork (at least 20 works of art), your sketchbook, and any video, photos, etc. that you may have of you and your artwork.
- In Google Drive, navigate to your "turn-In" folder you use for this class.
- Create a new folder here and name it "YourName_MidtermPortfolio"
Open your new folder titled, "YourName_MidtermPortfolio" by double clicking on it.
- Click the Plus button and create a new google sheets file.
Select your 20 best works of art and make a list of them which includes:
- The title of the work
- The date (year is fine) of completion
- The media
- The dimensions of the work (ex: 18" (height) X 24" (width) where "=inches). Measure the actual image only if there is a lot of additional space, such as a mat, around it.
Photograph all work that has not already been adequately photographed for this class (Usually your old work needs to be re photographed to improve the quality of the images).
Crop the images of your artwork in Photoshop to include the artwork only and eliminate extraneous visual information (like countertops, carpet, bedding, etc.).
Rename the files with <YourName>_<ArtworkTitle>.
Ensure that your photographs are in the .JPG file format.
- Upload your image files to your "YourName_MidtermPortfolio" folder.
Photograph your 10 best pages in your sketchbook. (These pages should reflect your research and experimentation so try to strike a balance between sketches, illustrations, and notes/journaling.
- Create a ten-page PDF with the photographs of your sketchbook.
- The first two pages should show your best academic research.
- These pages contain facts found through research
- These pages focus on citations documenting where this information was found.
- The next three pages in the PDF Should reflect visual research. These pages should have a mix of image and text that is about even in quantity or have more images than text.
- Pages six and seven in your PDF are for observational drawing. These two pages should reflect your effort to observe an object in its natural form (not from a picture) and record it as a drawing. Notes and annotations are recommended.
- The last three pages show the development of an idea. The should be story-like in the way they start with a raw or rough ideas and show the changes an idea goes through from start to finish. NOTE: These pages do not need to be consecutive in your sketchbook.
- Name or rename your PDF file, <YourName>_<SketchbookSample>.
- Move or upload this PDF to your "YourName_MidtermPortfolio" folder on Google Drive.
- Upload your PDF file to your "YourName_MidtermPortfolio" folder.